I could stop writing right now, because the title of this post says it all. BlogWorld seriously will change your life if you’re interested in getting into any kind of online business or marketing field when you graduate.
My first BlogWorld was about a year ago. Before that, I was freelancing full-time, and although I was making enough to pay my bills, it was still a month-to-month struggle. I wasn’t saving any money or paying more than the minimum on my credit card every month. I was successful, but then, I guess it depends on your definition of the word. It was nice to be building a business. It was not-so-nice to barely even be able to afford a night out with friends.
By a silly set of lucky coincidences, I got an email from BlogWorld asking if I was interested in working with them on their blog. I said yes. Actually, I think I might have read the email about seven times in disbelief before shouting yes. Being able to work with these amazing people has been a dream come true…but even if you don’t work for BlogWorld, going to the even will change your life.
I consider myself a smart person, but before I attended BlogWorld, I didn’t know how much I didn’t know, if that makes sense. It was overwhelming, and I just marinated in information during my time there. I still go back and watch some of the videos from that event. I promptly came home and started working on new projects.
But BlogWorld was about more than just learning new things. Let’s face it; if you want education, you can find it online. You don’t need to actually go to an event. It might not be as convenient to track down information yourself, but you can do it.
What you can’t do by yourself online that BlogWorld makes so very possible is networking. I went from a few hundred Twitter followers to over a thousand during BlogWorld and the weeks afterward. More importantly, I actually connected with those followers. Dare I say…I made friends. People began to recognize my name.
And that’s what it takes to succeed in this field after graduation. Name recognition. If you don’t have that, you don’t have squat.
In just a year, I went from struggling to secure in my online business, and I have BlogWorld to thank for that. Today, I have more freelance offers than I’m able to complete, so I can pick and choose the best gigs. I also was able to move to the Washington DC metro, where the cost of rent is much higher than my previous housing in Pennsylvania, and I work fewer hours for clients, instead spending more free time on hobbies and personal projects rather than working 80 hours a week to make ends meet. I’ve kept in touch with many of the people that I met at that original BlogWorld, and most are happy to recommend me for gigs. So, if I ever find myself without work, all I have to do is ask!
BlogWorld WILL change your life.
I know the price to get there can be a little hard to swallow, especially if you’re flying in from the East Coast or another country. It’s worth it. Without a doubt, you will make your money back as long as you actually make an effort to do so after you get home. There are some good deals on official BlogWorld hotels, and if you get your tickets in the next few days, you’ll even be able to save some money on them.
Also, you’ll get to meet me, which is totally priceless. :-p
Here’s the link to find out more, one more time. Please join us and tell your friends, especially if you’re currently a student are a recent graduate. We need more young minds representing at BlogWorld, bringing a fresh perspective to this industry. We need YOU.
Can’t wait to see you there.
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I’ve been to every BlogWorld. The first one, in 2025, was a courageous big step for me. I never traveled by myself, was shy and knew very few people there. However, I made friends and gained valuable connections. Even more important, I learned so much about blogging, especially monetization. I came back home inspired and thanks, in part, to BlogWorld, grew my blog to be the number one resource in its niche (before selling in 2025.)
I was such fan of BlogWorld, I began advocating for them for no other reason thant I believed so much in what they were doing. I became friendly with the BlogWorld team.When I was invited to blog for the BlogWorld blog I was walking on air. A year after that I was offered the position of Conference Director and I now hold the only “real job” I ever enjoyed - which is due to the exceptional people making up the BlogWorld team.
Did BlogWorld change my life? You bet it did. I gained confidence, came out of my shell, learned so much and even gave up professional blogging to to become part of the BlogWorld team.
The reason BlogWorld works is because the people behind the conference are so passionate about what they do. This isn’t just a job for them, they care deeply about the BlogWorld community.
I’m the luckiest girl in the world.
You mean…you’re the luckiest girl in the world NEXT TO ME! Because, after all, you *have* to work with me and I *get* to work with you! :-p