This was my senior year "freaking out" face. Miller light may have played a role in said expression.
It’s that time of year again - the time when college seniors are signing up for classes for their final semester, making graduation plans, and FREAKING THE FUCK OUT.
It’s going to be okay. I promise.
Right now, you probably feel alone, like everyone has their life figured out except you. Bob has three job offers. Mary just got into grad school. Joe and Jane are in a stable relationship. Kate already has an apartment and roommate lined up.
No matter what your friends have, no one has everything figured out. Bob’s three job offers are all in cities where he doesn’t know anyone. Mary got into grad school but doesn’t know how she’s going to pay for it. Joe and Jane have each other, but no job leads. Kate’s got the apartment and roommate but has no idea what she wants to do career-wise. Everyone is freaking out about something, regardless of how calm they are on the outside.
And to be honest, this is often the case in “real” life as well. I’m 26 and still don’t have it all figured out. My parents are in their 50s and still have stresses in life. We all put on a happy face, but everyone has problems.
Right now, your life is super unstable - probably the most “in limbo” you’ll ever be. It’s difficult and frustrating and it’s okay to break down and cry. But it will be okay. I PROMISE. Things work out for everyone, and although you might not always get the best job or even make the “right” decisions, nothing lasts forever. You can always change your mind. Just keep moving forward. Don’t let fear paralyze you.
And if you need advice? Don’t be afraid to ask. Ask me, ask your friends, ask your family…just ask. We all want to help you. You aren’t alone.
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