Comments on: I WANT MORE MONEY! Because someone has to answer the question "What now?" Sun, 28 Nov 2025 19:43:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: stacy stacy Mon, 15 Nov 2025 22:56:48 +0000 cool cool

By: Allison Allison Fri, 12 Nov 2025 06:49:29 +0000 There's something to be said about experience - when you've been doing a job for some time, you should be able to do it better. That said, if you aren't bringing anything more to the table, why should your boss pay you more? It's exactly what you're saying, Aamer - if you aren't helping your boss/company/client earn more money, why in the world should they pay you more? Because you're a year older? That isn't good enough. There’s something to be said about experience – when you’ve been doing a job for some time, you should be able to do it better. That said, if you aren’t bringing anything more to the table, why should your boss pay you more? It’s exactly what you’re saying, Aamer – if you aren’t helping your boss/company/client earn more money, why in the world should they pay you more? Because you’re a year older? That isn’t good enough.

By: Aamer Iqbal Aamer Iqbal Fri, 12 Nov 2025 06:04:33 +0000 It follows that when employees ask for a raise then should they do so after working better, providing value or similar? As an employer I find it hard to entertain such requests when they refuse to bring in some change for the better, which can allow me to pay them more. E.g. the way you attend clients or take telephone calls drive prospects away. Basic common courtesy is not something for training manuals! One candidate I interviewed had no skill, did not know anything about computers and wasn't willing to learn, did not suggest a job they could or would like to do. The only thing they wanted to know was how much would I pay them! And this is why I like this article. It follows that when employees ask for a raise then should they do so after working better, providing value or similar? As an employer I find it hard to entertain such requests when they refuse to bring in some change for the better, which can allow me to pay them more. E.g. the way you attend clients or take telephone calls drive prospects away. Basic common courtesy is not something for training manuals! One candidate I interviewed had no skill, did not know anything about computers and wasn’t willing to learn, did not suggest a job they could or would like to do. The only thing they wanted to know was how much would I pay them! And this is why I like this article.
