Today, I’m happy to announce the release of my very first product for sale - a brand new ebook for freelance writers called Out of Thin Air: The Freelance Writer’s Guide to Finding Work When Bills are Due.

I know what you’re thinking, because I’m thinking it too… Come on, Alli. Get real. You’re going to sell people one of those make-money-quickly asshat schemes? Money out of thin air is your business plan? Hypocrit!

For me to push a product that says you can make money quickly would be extremely hypocritical. One of the things I preach most here at After Graduation is the need to put real, hard, long-term work into a freelance business to actually make money. So how can I possibly justify selling a product that says you can make money out of thin air?

Because this is something on a different level. I can’t give you some kind of secret to making a million dollars as a freelancer. I can’t offer techniques that suddenly have clients offering you $300 per article jobs. I can’t suddenly snap my fingers and your debt or financial problems will disappear.

What I can do is give you an emergency plan. You can set lots of goals and become a star marketer and provide an awesome service to your clients, but there are no guarantees in the freelance world. What happens when you have a slow month, for whatever reason?  This book is your emergency plan.

You can’t control your clients. Your bread and butter today might go out of business tomorrow. What happens to you when the clients paying your bills are gone? It happens to all freelancers.

This book is your duct tape on a leaky pipe. This book is your safety pin when you have a wardrobe malfunction. This is not a long-term strategy for fixing a problem, but rather a short-term way to make ends meet. Out of Thin Air is your back-up plan.

I hope you’ll considering picking up a copy of this ebook, either for you or for somewhere else. It’s something I’m really proud to offer my readers, and I’m excited to share my secrets with you.

Pick up your copy of Out of Thin Air here today!

Interested in reviewing this ebook or joining my affiliate program? Contact me today at allison -at- to find out how!

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