Comments on: Negativity is a Sneaky Bitch Because someone has to answer the question "What now?" Thu, 27 Jan 2024 00:59:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Allison Allison Sun, 23 Jan 2024 21:37:34 +0000 Thanks, Carl! Denial can be such a crap thing. It's often easier for other people to see that we're in it, yet we can't see it ourselves. Thanks, Carl! Denial can be such a crap thing. It’s often easier for other people to see that we’re in it, yet we can’t see it ourselves.

By: Carl Rittenhouse Larson Carl Rittenhouse Larson Sun, 23 Jan 2024 21:07:52 +0000 Great post. Optimism can be a survival tactic. But to the extreme, it can also lead to a dangerous amount of denial. One of a person's biggest life challenges, I imagine, is to find the balance between healthy optimism along with self-honesty. ps, I love your blog... and your site generally. Keep up the great work! Great post. Optimism can be a survival tactic. But to the extreme, it can also lead to a dangerous amount of denial. One of a person’s biggest life challenges, I imagine, is to find the balance between healthy optimism along with self-honesty.

ps, I love your blog… and your site generally. Keep up the great work!
