I contradict myself. Often. You know what I have to say about that?
No seriously, it is bad to not have values, to change your mind every moment of the day, to not stand for anything. But don’t be afraid to tear down that wall of what you thought you wanted in life and build a bridge to something you want even more.
Point in case, when I was 16 or so, if you had told me that I wouldn’t be married with at least a kid or two by the time I turn 26 (which happens in less than a month), I would have cried. Cried! And maybe vomited. Right on your shoes. Or at least, next to your shoes.
My ultimate career goal was to be a mommy. I couldn’t imagine ANYTHING else.
Today, I am unmarried and without any children. I still want to be a mommy, someday, but I’m super motivated to advance my blogging career.
But then, some days, I get the itch to work in a more stable career, to have an office job again. So, I look at options. I’ve even applied for some of them.
What?!?! This, from the chick who tells everyone who awesome it is to be a freelancer? HYPOCRISY!
What looks like hypocrisy to you, and what may even feel like hypocrisy if you change your own path, is not. Hypocrisy is when you say one thing and do another. Development, evolution, changing your mind…those things are part of the human experience. It’s part of growing up. It’s part of life. And it never stops.
And that’s ok. Rethink your career choices every day! I mean, give it a lot of thought before you take action, but if you suddenly feel the call to be a cake decorator or a politician or an accountant or a dog breeder – DO IT. At least, explore the option.
The moral of the story: What makes you happy today probably won’t make you happy forever. Embrace your evolving desires.
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