I’d love to hear from you! You can email me at [email protected] – please put “After Graduation” somewhere in the subject line so that I don’t miss your email.
Some FAQ that you might want to check out before you email me:
Do you accept guest posts?
Yes, if they fit the theme of my website well and haven’t been published elsewhere. I give guest posters a byline with up to three links to other websites, but I am currently not purchasing articles or hiring writers – sorry! If you want your guest post to be considered, please copy/paste the entire thing into the body of an email and make your subject line “After Graduation Guest Post.” You can also query with a title/topic before you write it if you’re more comfortable doing that.
Do you sell advertising?
Yes. If you’d like information about my rates and traffic stats, please email me with the subject line “After Graduation Advertising.”
Can I link you on my blog?
Absolutely. You don’t have to ask.
Can I use your content on my website?
Feel free to quote me, as long as you don’t try to claim the words as your own. Please limit your quotes to about 1/3 of the content (max) and include a link back to After Graduation. If you do quote me, I’d love to know about it! Email me (allison-at-abcontentonline.com) or let me know on Twitter (@allison.boyer).
Are you available to write for my website?
Maybe. My schedule is typically pretty full, but I welcome new potential clients to email me with information about your project specs and budget.