Like what you read here? Stay connected with the After Graduation community and receive a free copy of Career Oomph!, a weekly newsletter to help you stay motivated to find that perfect job:
Are you on Facebook? If so, check out the After Graduation fan page. I publish messages there that you can’t read anywhere else, like quick writing tips, links to great resources for writers, and even free giveaways. Don’t forget to tell your friends - the more people connecting on the fan page, the better the writing network will be for everyone. After all, that’s what makes this business work - connections and networking.
Oh, and don’t forget that you can connect with me, Allison Boyer, anytime directly on Twitter. If you follow me, say hi and introduce yourself so I can get to know you!
Like what you read here? Stay connected with the After Graduation community and receive a free copy of Career Oomph!, a weekly newsletter to help you stay motivated to find that perfect job:
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