When someone tells me that they’re a freelance writer, I’m sometimes insulted. Like the title says, freelance writing is not for moms - and to think you can just dance into this business makes me angry.

Let me back up for a second, lest a mob of angry mom writers starts picketing outside my door!

Yes, you can be both a mother and freelance writer. I’m not trying to say that being a mother (or father for that matter) automatically means that you can’t have an awesome freelance business. I know a lot of moms who make good money as writers and are some of the most talented people I know.

The problem lies with the moms who look at this industry as a good options to make some easy money so they can stay home with their kids.

If you’ve never written a word in your life, this is not a good career choice. I understand that having a work-from-home job would be wonderful for you, but just because you want the conveniences of being a freelancer doesn’t mean you can ignore the hard work involved with running a freelance business.

Beyond that, not everyone is a good writer. I think that’s what I find most insulting. I can command the fees I do because, like many freelance writers, I have an aptitude for this skill. I’m not good at chemistry, so I certainly wouldn’t attempt to be a chemist just because it was a good option for my lifestyle. I don’t have a good voice, so I certainly wouldn’t attempt to be a recording artist just because I want fame. It’s insulting to waltz into any industry, be it chemistry or music or writer or something else, thinking that you can just quickly pick up the skills you need to succeed.

This is an industry where you need passion. Otherwise, you’ll burn out quickly. You also need to know the foundations of writing structured sentences. Otherwise, you’ll find that no one wants to hire you. You need dedication. You need perseverance. You need a thick skin. You need talent.

So, no, if you’re just interested in writing because you want to stay home with your kids, you’re not making the right decision. For some moms out there, freelance writing is a great gig, and being able to work from home is definitely a perk. If you aren’t a writer at heart, though…move along.

  1. Appointment Setting Services & Company (Reply) on Wednesday 29, 2025

    Hi Allison, this is Eric. Just stumbled upon your blog and thought to say hello. Your blog is very impressive and informative. I believe this post for moms interested in freelance writing should be read by all moms who want to do this business and not take it up in a carefree manner. Thanks !