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Beat the Winter Blues with Some Cheap Travel

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  • 3 February 2025 414 views No Comment

    Think you can’t afford a Caribbean vacation? Think again.

    Right now, as we’re securely in a recession, fewer people are traveling for pleasure. That means that travel agents and tour companies are running great deals. Here are some tips for cheap travel to sunny locations:

    Tip #1: Trade homes. Do you have a condo in the mountains? Are you near a desirable tourist site? You can actually trade your home with someone who lives in a warm location. You’ll both get a free place to stay for the vacation, and a home of your own beat a hotel room any day. You can find home-trading ads on Craigslist, but I’d avoid that, since there are tons of scammers
    online. Instead, use an accredited home-trading website or ask you travel agent for home swap advice.

    Tip #2: Look for an all-inclusive vacation. The price tag looks expensive, but when you factor in how much you’ll spend on everything separately, all-include deals are usually a bargain. Here’s an even better tip, though: if you go all-inclusive, don’t book with a travel agent. Usually, I’d recommend using an agent, but with an all-inclusive package, you’re getting everything you need without planning anyway, so what’s the point?

    Tip #3: Ask for discounts. Most people avoid asking for a lower price, but it isn’t rude if you do it the right way. Be polite, and only ask for discounts if you’re giving something in return. For example, let’s say you want to book a private ruins tour with a guide while in Mexico. Ask for their pricing per person, and then inquire if you can get a discount for bringing a large group. Or, let’s say that you see a hotel in the area where you’re traveling has wings under construction. Offer to take a near-by room, which may be noisy, in exchange for a break on the cost per night.

    A vacation is a perfect way to celebrate a new (or first) job, make use of some expiring vacation days, or just get away from the stress of life for a week. Before you leave on vacation (and this is important) MAKE SURE YOU CAN AFFORD IT. Don’t overspend, use a credit card, or go on vacation if you have absolutely no savings!

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