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Five Gadgets to Make Cooking Easier

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  • 28 October 2025 430 views 9 Comments

    I know you’re on a budget. Trust me; I’ve been there (and really, I’m still there!). At the end of the day, though, having some help in the kitchen is well worth the price. Actually, with these five items, you’ll save money in the end, since you’ll cook more at home than eat out. On top of that, it is healthier too! Even if you’re not a wiz in the kitchen, consider purchasing these five gadgets to make your life easier:

    Gadget #1: The Magic Bullet Blender

    If you don’t have one of these, you don’t know what your missing. Seriously - you life is not complete. The magic bullet makes smoothies, dips, and even batters for baked goods. Like mixed drinks? This gadget is PERFECT. Instead of making a huge blender messy, you just fill an individual cup, give it a swirl, and pop on a ring to drink it out of that very container. Fewer dishes? Yes, please. If you’ve seen this item on an infomercial, I’m telling you right now that it works just like that - it isn’t a piece of junk. You’ll use it every week, maybe every day. Read more or buy for the best price here.

    Gadget #2: A Panini Press

    It doesn’t matter what brand you buy - most panini presses work well. I like the one above, but again - you can choose any panini press and probably be happy. Why am I recommending this gadget? Well, if you’re like me, you enjoy a nice sandwich. While you can certainly purchase lunchmeat and cheese from your local deli or grocery store, it somehow isn’t the same as getting your lunch at Quizno’s or some other sub shop. The secret is heat, pressure, and great ingredients. With a panini press, you get two out of three - the rest is up to you. Read more or buy for the best price here.

    Gadget #3: Homemade Soda Maker

    Against, you don’t have to go with the Mr. Rootbeer kit shown above - there are tons of homemade soda makers out there. They can be a little pricey at first (though Mr. Rootbeer is quite affordable), but over time, if you use this gadget, you’ll save tons of money on soft drinks. It really isn’t hard, and if you drink a lot of soda, this is a must-have. Bonus point: making your own soda is healthier. Read more or buy for the best price here.

    Gadget #4: A Slow Cooker

    If you don’t have a slow cooker yet, what are you waiting for? They’re super affordable (for example, the one pictured above is just $30 new, and you can find discount prices as well), and will save you hours of work in the kitchen. Basically, you just throw everything into a pot, turn on the heat, and come back 4-8 hours later to a delicious meal. Even someone who can’t make toast can make meals in a slow cooker. Read more of buy for the best price here.

    Gadget #5: The Toaster Oven

    Most people think it is strange to learn that I don’t own a toaster, nor do I ever intend to own one. I love toast, but instead of purchasing a toaster, I got a toaster oven after I graduated. It does the same job, but the bread lies flat, so you can also use it to melt cheese over the bread, bake things (saving electricity since you don’t have to turn on the oven, and reheat meals (trust me, it tastes better than doing it in a microwave). Toaster ovens are nothing new, and chances are that your parents have one or two in the attic you can have. Really, though, to me, a home without a toaster oven is not a home. Read more or buy for the best price here.

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    • Crystal said:

      I love my slow cooker! I make oatmeal, soups, stews, pot roast, even desserts in it. I could not live without it. There are some cool cookbooks with recipes for slow cookers, but I usually find new slow cooker recipes on the web!

    • Elizabeth M. said:

      The slow cooker and toaster oven I have and I’m taking your word for it that the Magic Bullet actually looks like something I should get my son. He mixes protein drinks all the time and they’re always so lumpy and ucky. I think this would be great! Thanks for the tip.

    • Lis said:

      I have heard of the fist gadget and how handy it is I might just have to give it a try. I own the 4th gadget and I love it! It really saves me time and it’s so easy to use. I really need to get me a toaster oven it looks like a real time saver and I love that and need it. One of my family members has one and she loves it I should really get myself one sometime soon.

    • Pamspride said:

      A good can opener!! We have gone through so many can openers!! I love the ones that take the whole top off!

    • Storm said:

      I agree! Someone gave us a slow cooker shortly after we got married and I have to say it rocks, I had never used one before that. I really feel if you have varied kitchen gadgets like the ones you are showing above, you’ll be less likely to go out to eat and spend money you don’t have. Our sandwhich press has come in handy so many times too!

    • Crystal said:

      My favorite of these is a slow cooker! I use mine a lot. It’s even nice in the summer because it doesn’t heat up your house like an oven does. I would LOVE a paninni press though!

    • Sarah said:

      I’d really like to try a panini press, my husbands picky with his sandwhichs and I think he’d really enjoy it.

    • Jackie said:

      I have 3 of these things! YAY!
      I love my slow cooker though I don’t use it as much as I should. Same with the magic bullet. But my toaster oven - it gets used ALL of the time.
      I’ve wanted a panini press since we eat a lot of soup and sandwich meals, but haven;t splurged in it yet.

    • Lori Z. said:

      Your first three I would say I’m on the fence about. I think a George Foreman grill is a bit better than a panini press, only because you can cook meat, make it lean, but also make quesadillas and paninis on the same gadget.

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