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How to Survive Dinner with the Parents

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  • 22 October 2025 457 views 9 Comments

    (and other things that you don’t want to do)

    I’m no stranger to seeing the look of dread in my boyfriend’s eyes when I ask him to do something I know he doesn’t want to do. I can almost see the gears quickly turning in his head as he tries to come up with a way to get out of it without pissing me off. Usually doesn’t happen. After you’ve been with your girl long enough, you know that WE know when you don’t want to do someone. If we ask you to do it anyway, it’s because we really want you to do it.

    And what is “it”? Anything from dinner with the parents to swimsuit shopping to going to a sunrise service at church. Instead of spending your time attempting to weasel your way out of whatever you don’t want to do, use these tips to survive instead:

    She wants you to spend the weekend with the in-laws from hell? Instead, suggest that you get some stuff done around the house on Saturday while she visits and drive over on Sunday morning to join her. The same goes for any activity she wants you to do with her that you know you won’t enjoy—look for a lesser version and offer that instead.

    Make Lemonade
    Every cloud has a silver lining, so they say, but sometimes you really have to look for it. In any case, instead of getting negative, try to think happy thoughts. While you’re visiting with the parents, for example, there will be an extra set of people to watch the kids, meaning you can sneak away for a little afternoon delight. Or say she wants you to attend cooking classes with her. Make something with oysters—they’re a total aphrodisiac. Whatever it is that you don’t want to do, try to stay positive.

    Note that there’s a point where bargaining goes too far, but if it’s something you really don’t want to do, put your chips on the table. She wants you to take the kids to a hot and crowded amusement park so she can have a spa day with her lady friends? Do it with pleasure if she’ll take them to dinner and a movie so you can host poker night later in the week.

    Remember, some of the things your sweetie wants you to do might actually be fun. Give it a shot at least! One of my past boyfriends has discovered, through me, how great wine festivals can be, for example, and it works in the other way as well—I’m actually beginning to enjoy golf a bit (ok, mini golf…but still…). When you’re in a relationship with someone, go with the flow. You don’t have to do every activity together, but sometimes doing something that you don’t want to do just to make your girl happy is the best way to show that you care.

    (Photo credit: http://flickr.com/photos/xenithorg/)

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    • Stacy said:

      I remember the first time I met my inlaws. But I dont thinkit gets any easier.

    • Ginny said:

      Nice tips. It helps to compromise, great advice.

    • Susan T said:

      Make Lemonade - instead of getting negative, try to think happy thoughts…I could not agree more. Especially with the inlaws. Remember are now part of your family…I suggest to do everything you can to be friends with them. This will make life easier for you.

    • Laura said:

      The last 2 are ones I would have thought of, but the first one is brilliant. Great tips! Every boy I know should read this!! Am forwarding to my sisters now, for their guys… thanks!

    • Donielle @ Raising Peanuts said:

      Bargaining is great, but only when it’s fair! Like dinner w/ my parents vs. a weekend with yours….not so much. Relationships are all about giving and hopefully when you give, or give in, the other will repay you with the same.

    • Nissa said:

      Every man should read this one! (Although the same suggestions apply to us women. In law visit- oh no!)

    • Julie Neff said:

      I think this is how people make marriages work. You compromise, bargain, and give each other breaks some times! It isn’t always easy, but it’s worth the work!

    • Angela said:

      I have to say, I got very lucky in the in-law department. When we eat together, the big thing I have to do is let my husband’s mother talk. She likes to talk a lot. And I just have to smile and nod.

    • Janae said:

      I think it’s good to practice before you meet them.

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